Saturday, January 23, 2010

Snow Play in December 2009

Two days after Christmas we went up to Tahoe for a few days. Makenna has seen snow, but this was the first time that she really got to play in it and be aware of what was happening. We put her in this adorable hot pink snow suit and bundled her up for some fun in the snow. The first day we went in the front yard and Bampa pulled her in a sled around the block. She loved going around the block on the wooden toboggan. Daddy and Uncle Will would randomly throw snow on her as she went along.
The second day we went to Kingsbury Grade and actually did some sledding. Daddy took her down on her first ride down a small hill. She was a little uncertain at first but we caught a glimpse of her smiling in the picture below. Proof that she loved the experience.
Later in the day Auntie Jenny went down with her. I love this picture because you can see the "fear" on both their faces.
By the end of the afternoon her snowsuit was starting to get wet and cold. So we called it a day. It was really fun.


  1. Awww... I didn't know about this! I'm a follower for sure! Cutest baby EVER!!!!

  2. Hi there...I've chosen you for a Sunshine Award... check out my post about it

