Friday, October 23, 2009

October Update

Makenna is now 11 months old. We will celebrate her first year next month, yikes! She is still army-crawling. Refusing to move up on her hands and knees, but very capable of doing so. She pulls herself up on everything and loves to stand and walk along the couches. She is signing a lot more frequently and has added a few words to her signing vocabulary. It is crazy to me that she can communicate at such a young age, it is amazing! She kisses and hugs freely, and actually blows kisses to people. She loves to wave at everyone in the grocery store, and she can bark like a dog when asked "what does a doggie say?" Below are a few pictures from our pumpkin patch visit and a few random shots from the past month. Oh yes, and Makenna made the switch to a front facing carseat this month. She made a lot of screeching sounds as she road forward for the first time. It was so funny.