Well it has been far too long since I have written an update about my beautiful daughter. She is now six months old and has accomplished quite a lot. Not only is she sleeping 10-11 hours at night (wohoo!) she is also beginning to eat flavored foods (such as pureed carrots and sweet potatoes). She still won't take a bottle! Last month her two bottom teeth popped out.

She is also able to roll from her back onto her tummy with little effort, and just today in fact rolled from her tummy onto her back without tears of frustration. She is able to sit up with a little support and stand on her strong legs with a little support too. She loves to be tossed high in the air and usually ends up with a big smile on her face. She still maintians her easy-going demeanor.

She is also able to roll from her back onto her tummy with little effort, and just today in fact rolled from her tummy onto her back without tears of frustration. She is able to sit up with a little support and stand on her strong legs with a little support too. She loves to be tossed high in the air and usually ends up with a big smile on her face. She still maintians her easy-going demeanor.
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