Saturday, May 16, 2009

Hat Fun

While we were in Disneyland we put Makenna through the torturous fun of placing several hats on her head, laughing hysterically, and then snapping a photo instead of buying each one. You can tell from the expression she makes in nearly every picture she is completely amused :)


Bride Ears

This is Makenna's Bob Marley stoned pose.
Davey favorite I think.
Minne Ears
Not a hat but so funny!


Drew, myself, Makenna, Grammy, and Bampa just returned from a trip to Disneyland this past week. Makenna came along (she was free admission) and was surprisingly allowed to ride many of the rides. She was indifferent about most of them except for four. She wiggled and oooo'ed at Small World, Monsters Inc, and the new Toy Story 4D ride. She cried quite a bit during the Finding Nemo ride (I had forgotten how loud it was) and als briefly cried during the cannon scene in Pirates of the Carribean.
Grammy and Bampa entertained her during one of the long waits.

Makenna walked all the way back to the hotel on Daddy's sholders. She kept licking his hair and resting her head on the back of his head...adorable.
All sunscreened up and ready for another day at the park!
She loves her Bampa! So many kisses!!

This was on the way back to the hotel on a different night. She was trying to keep her eyes open but had a lot of trouble. What a trooper!
Grammy and Bampa bought this tigger for her. It is the silliest looking thing I've ever seen, but she loves it. Go figure.
Jenny and Ryan Ingram invited us to eat at Club 33 with them while were enjoying the park too. (Ryan is Drew's boss.) Club 33 is this secret club that Walt designed to entertain his high-end guests. It is very fancy and fun. Not many people know about it, let alone get to go inside. We all felt very special. Including Makenna, I'm sure. It has a glass elevator where you ride up and the matre'd is waiting for you to take your party to their table. It was an experience I'll never forget.

Here we are waiting to ride either Pirates or the Haunted Mansion (I can't remember which one).

Long overdue update!

Well it has been far too long since I have written an update about my beautiful daughter. She is now six months old and has accomplished quite a lot. Not only is she sleeping 10-11 hours at night (wohoo!) she is also beginning to eat flavored foods (such as pureed carrots and sweet potatoes). She still won't take a bottle! Last month her two bottom teeth popped out.

She is also able to roll from her back onto her tummy with little effort, and just today in fact rolled from her tummy onto her back without tears of frustration. She is able to sit up with a little support and stand on her strong legs with a little support too. She loves to be tossed high in the air and usually ends up with a big smile on her face. She still maintians her easy-going demeanor.