The summer has finally begun and we were more than ready for it! In our house, and with Drew working in youth ministry, summers are usually insanely busy. We are chugging along and finding quiet time at home where ever we can, keeping in mind that summer is just a busy season…by mid August it should start to quiet down a bit. Makenna is now in AVAC swim school once a week with her friend Layla. She has completed two lessons and loves it. She is a little apprehensive about going under water, but ready or not, next week she will take the plunge! Bailey is growing so fast…she almost 3 months old now. She smiles A LOT! She is super chunky, which we absolutely love. For the past month, she has been sleeping beautifully at night giving me anywhere from 6-8 hours of sleep. I have felt like a new woman with all that sleep. Makenna adores her sister and still smothers her, often, with hugs and kisses. She is an excellent big sister. Below are some pictures from our summer so far…
School—Makenna and I are s-l-o-w-l-y going through the alphabet to learn each letter. The goal is for her to be able to recognize each letter of the alphabet. She started with A-is for Alligator Alan. In the picture above she had her “A” lunch with angel hair pasta, apricots, and animal cookies (I know no protein) and below she is doing apple prints.
Sloppy Mud Fights—Drew and Makenna had a mud fight in the back yard. Mind you, it was freezing cold the day they did it, and Drew insisted that they do it in their underwear and rinse off with the hose, but they had a ton of fun. Makenna was SO excited about it, and talked about her mud fight for days. Oh, and Drew ended up rinsing in the hose and carried Makenna to the warm shower…such a kind Daddy
Swim Class
They throw out floating balls and the kids have to practice their arms to retrieve the balls and then practice their kicks as they carry the balls back to the basket. So fun!
The Daddies and their girls…
Best Buds! These girls are so dang cute together…they see each other at church, at play dates, swim class, and on the weekends while their Daddies play soccer together.
More Sisters and Smiles…
Sand—we met Drew up at Manresa for the summer retreat. His 5th year doing camp and my first time in 3 years not going. Makenna is a total beach girl, she LOVED the sand. Bailey just slept on Amy Smith the whole day…