Our neighbor, Nee made the scarf and hat for Makenna.

We call this Makenna's "stroke-face". She came out of the womb with this saggy lip and we often see it when she is completely relaxed.
Makenna has grown so much. She laughs often. Smiles a ton. She makes raspberry noises with her tongue. She is even beginning to roll over towards her stomach. She had a lot other firsts this month too. She began to eat rice cereal. Her first experience was full of sour faces and her tongue constantly pushing out the food. She tried her johnny jump-up (doorway jumper) for the first time. She has used it repeatedly and loves to sway and bounce in the doorway.
Her 4 month check-up went well. She now weighs in at 13lbs. 14.5 oz and is 24 inches long. Makenna is doing wonderful and is such a happy little baby.