We were able to join James, Christina, and Steve on stage. Makenna cried nearly the entire time we were up there. Her daddy took her about half way through the presentation, she burped up some spit up, and then in two seconds she fell asleep. He has "the touch". Once she stopped crying I could actually concentrate on what Cindy Simms was saying. She wore a cute little dress which was completely covered up by her blanket during the entire service. After looking at the picture that my Dad took of Makenna and I, not only does she look like a doll (literally not figuratively), she is swimming in the dress. Oh well, I guess there's room to grow.
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Dedication Ceremony at Westgate
Makenna was dedicated to the Lord on Saturday, January 24, 2009
We were able to join James, Christina, and Steve on stage. Makenna cried nearly the entire time we were up there. Her daddy took her about half way through the presentation, she burped up some spit up, and then in two seconds she fell asleep. He has "the touch". Once she stopped crying I could actually concentrate on what Cindy Simms was saying. She wore a cute little dress which was completely covered up by her blanket during the entire service. After looking at the picture that my Dad took of Makenna and I, not only does she look like a doll (literally not figuratively), she is swimming in the dress. Oh well, I guess there's room to grow.

We were able to join James, Christina, and Steve on stage. Makenna cried nearly the entire time we were up there. Her daddy took her about half way through the presentation, she burped up some spit up, and then in two seconds she fell asleep. He has "the touch". Once she stopped crying I could actually concentrate on what Cindy Simms was saying. She wore a cute little dress which was completely covered up by her blanket during the entire service. After looking at the picture that my Dad took of Makenna and I, not only does she look like a doll (literally not figuratively), she is swimming in the dress. Oh well, I guess there's room to grow.
Friday, January 23, 2009
Doctors Visit
I hate this! That is how I felt yesterday at the doctor's office. Makenna had her 2 month check up yesterday morning. It went fine with her Pediatrician. She weighed in at 12.5lbs and 23 inches long. After asking the doctor a few too many questions, probably, she sent us down to the immunization office at Kaiser. Makenna received her first four vaccines. Three shots and one oral medicine. She did fine with the oral vaccine. The nurse said it was flavored with vanilla. Yum, I'm sure. You know newborns love flavored foods, when all they know is breastmilk. Her soar faced confirmed that notion. Then came the shots. The needles were so big, it seemed they would have gone right through her whole leg. Yikes. I braced myself and Drew and I spoke softly to her as the nurse gave her the first shot. Her face went dark red and she screamed the loudest we had ever heard her scream. My heart broke and I wanted to just cry along with her. Because she was already crying the last two were not nearly as shocking. When the shots were finished and her chubby thighs were bandaged up, I held her so tight, still choking back guilty tears. She quickly recovered and fell into a long deep nap on the way home. I felt so bad for her, but reminded myself that I too had these same shots when I was a baby. Do I remember them? No. Will she, no. Okay then get over yourself Mom! It was clearly more difficult on me, then it was on her. Today she is already over it. Drew said it is good character development.
First Sharks Game
So as many of you know, both the Froese and the Faulconer families are HUGE Sharks fans. In turn, Makenna will be also...she will not have a choice. On Tuesday Makenna went to her very first San Jose Sharks game. We had amazing seats. Top level, first row, right near the exit. The arena staff gave us ear plugs for her little ears. In our excitement of bringing her along, we kind of forgot that extremely loud sound is not the best thing for her hearing. Bad parents. They had a tough time staying in place but they helped block some of the sound. Makenna fell asleep for half of the first period. She woke up with one of the really loud cheers from the crowd. She then had fun watching the Jumbotron until 7 minutes left in the second period. I was nervous about breastfeeding in the freezing cold, super loud arena, so you can only imagine my relief when they guided us to the First Aid center. We were able to use a private room in the center. It was quiet, warm, and convenient. We returned just in time for the third period. She began to get a little tired about half through and fell asleep. She even slept through the Sharks goal. I covered her ear with my hand to add to the sound barrier. Overall, she did great. Thankfully I was near the exit and I could get up and down with her easily whenever needed. No one was bothered by my interruptions. The game was kind of boring. No scoring until the last few minutes of the game. It went into overtime and the Sharks came out on top. I think she really enjoyed the game. Drew was really proud. Go Sharks!
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Two Month Update
The past two months have gone by soooo fast! Makenna has her two month check-up next week where she will be given her first set of immunization shots. So sad. Here are a few highlight from Dec. and Jan...

Makenna attended her first hockey game. She watch Drew play hockey for the first time. She mostly slept through it all, surprise-surprise.
She had her first long drive, as we went to Tahoe. She experienced the snow for the first time as Drew forced her little hand to touch it.

Carried in the New Year, and was actually awake.
She began smiling and cooing, which she likes to do often.
Her sleeping has evened off into a nice somewhat predicatable pattern. She is even sleeping 4-5 hours a night. We have begun to put her to bed at about the same time each night. I feed her, change her into her pajamas, we read her a story, pray, and she usually goes right to sleep. It is wonderful.
Drew and I signed up for our first marathon (only a 10K), set for April 19th. It is something that I always wanted to try, and it will help me get in shape after my pregnancy weight gain. For Christmas we received a jogging stroller, which we have used almost everyday for the past two weeks. Makenna enjoys jogging with us in the afternoon. She often just gazes out the side and stares at the trees and the sky, or she sleeps like a rock. She usually begins awake and comes home pooped. It must be exhausting running 1-3 miles a day.
She never ceases to amaze us each day with her beauty, cuteness, and curiousity. She has no idea, no grasp of any kind how much she is loved.
Makenna now LOVES baths! She used to cry her head off when we began to remove her clothing in preparation for a bath. She would then cry even harder when we placed her in the cold water, you can only imagine what she was like when we took her out of the water. Now that we have figured out that she loves ridiculously hot water, she loves her baths. She coo's and coo's as we pour the water over her body. She doesn't even mind when I clean her infamous neck cheese.

Makenna's Birth Story

On Tuesday morning at about 2ish I got up to use the bathroom. Near the end of my pregnancy the bathroom and I saw each other a lot. Let's just say it was not unusual. I did my business and went back to back. An hour later, back up again. I noticed that my underwear was significantly wet this time and I thought maybe I was loosing some bladder control. It crossed my mind that maybe I was leaking amniotic fluid. I said "um" out loud and awoke Drew. He asked me why I said "um" so peculiarly, and for whatever reason I felt it unnecessary to explain and told him it was nothing. I went to the bathroom did my business, changed my underwear, and went back to bed. Well, actually we were both wide awake at this point. So, we turned on Modern Marvels on the History Channel and attempted to go back to sleep. Well about 30-40 minutes later, I felt something warm and went to use the bathroom again. This time way more than I bargai
ned for came out and it was slightly pink. I woke Drew up yelling something in excitement from the toilet and began to freak out slightly.

I knew it was amniotic fluid, but I wasn't experiencing any kind of contractions. My experience went against everything that we had learned in our preparations for birth. My water didn't break, it was leaking...and I wasn't experiencing ANY contractions. Just to be safe, I contacted labor and delivery. They told us to come in right away. We thought for sure, since there was no pain and it was just a leak, they would send us right home.
We arrived at the hospital at 4:45am and were sent into an observation room. The nurse pressed on my stomach, and a rather large gush of warm liquid came out. It was A LOT. Some very, very light cramping began but it was nothing more than "Aunt Flow" if you know what I mean, ladies. Drew and I were both awaiting the words to go home and wait it out.
Well, thank goodness I took a shower because we ended up having to check in. The words we heard were "you're not leaving until you have this baby". WHAT!?! Well, as it turns out, if your amniotic fluid leaks/breaks prior to contractions starting (real labor) there is a high risk that bacteria can infect the baby. The doctors want to get the baby out ASAP. If this same thing happens for the next kid, I will definitely eat something prior to going to the hospital because once they check you in, they do not want you eating anything. They graciously gave me a cup of orange jello. It was quite a yummy breakfast.

It took them an hour to clean me up. She was a great distraction from all that they needed to do to make things back to normal. Our entire family had been waiting since about 8 in the morning, out in the waiting room. Apparently driving all of the nurses crazy. They finally got to come in a few at a time and hold their granddaughter and niece. It was an experience that I would not trade for anything in the world. 

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